Tuesday, 17 February 2009


Alicante has been adopting some environmental measures since 2002 according to Agenda 21. A permanent committee was created to promote the local development and they established seven working areas such as risk and natural sources, water, waste, mobility and transport, population and environmental health, town planning, organization and citizen participation.

But what exactly is Agenda 21? It is an intergovernmental agreement on a global action plan in favour of a sustainable development programme. The number 21 refers to the 21st century. Then, in Aalborg (Denmark) the Aalborg Charter established the role of cities and towns as centres of social life and guardians of culture.

To implement the principles and draw up local action plans, the Town Hall identified the impacts that the economic and social activities are having over the city. It is important to stand out the active participation of some services companies such as Aguas Municipalizadas de Alicante, Inusa and Grupo SUBUS.

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