Tuesday, 17 February 2009

Noise Pollution in Alicante

In recent days,the number of environmental problems has increased dramatically.

Maybe not the most important but certainly one of the most stressful issues is noise pollution.

Traffic,airports or railways are expected to be the main culpable of noise pollution today but, another phenomenon like noise problems caused by young people going out at the weekends disturbing neighbouring space is rising up.

It is easy to find a solution to the first producers. Normally,that kind of noisy places are far from people´s houses or measures as fines can be effective too if the noise is higher than 55 decibels. However, finding a way to control noise caused by people is harder.

What is the limit of noise related to nights,discos and fun?.Can we fine a person who is having fun and disturbing us? Can we fine people for chatting loudly in the street? Or if we tried to close a disco near a neighbourhood, would we be taking the best option?

A clear example of that situation is what the neighbours in Alicante are living each weekend in El barrio place.

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